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Mission Statement

For whatsoever is born of Elohim overcomes the world: and this is the victory that 

overcomes the world, even our faith. John 5:4

       Our mission is to be a church motivated by YHWH love and empowered by the Holy Spirit in order to build faith that releases victory in the lives of his people every where. We reach out to all people all over the world  and bring them into the knowledge of who the Messiah of Israel is and all that HE requires of them...Repentance, Baptism with Fire (Holy Spirit), A Faith in Yahshua (Jesus The Christ), & Keeping HIS Commandments (Rev 14:12).  We want to see lives change therefore we teach, cast out devils and equip the people with everything they need for perfecting them, edifying the body and working in the ministry. YHWH our Elohim desire is our desire, for his Kingdom to come and for his will to be established in the lives of the people that have been called to this house and throughout the world.

Vision Statements

  • Building Your Faith Worship Center is a place of Strength, Knowledge, Restoration and Hope.

  • Our Assembly is a place that is empowered by the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit ) to heal the sick, casting out devils and equipping people with the knowledge of who they are, exposing the lies and deception taught by tradition & the precepts of men, learning the painful truth, and how to be delivered and restored.

  • We desire to introduce people to The Most High's laws, statutes, and judgments so that the fear of YHWH will be magnified in our hearts, and we can learn to WALK in HIS ways. In order to do that we must be taught from HIS perspective, and NOT From the philosophies or perspectives of men. 

  • Our Assembly helps build strong & stable biblical families that are capable of contending with anyone for the Faith that was once delivered unto the saints. Children and youth are educated in the scriptures, trained to walk in his ways & valued in our assembly.

  • We are satisfied with nothing less than Spirit & Truth worship. Not vain lip service!

  • We will be One Body, With One Yah, One Faith, One Baptism and will celebrate our Father's weekly Seventh day Sabbath! We also celebrate His Holy Feast days. Gen. 2 & Lev. 23

  • We see people Repent, filled with the Holy Ghost, healed, and delivered on a regular basis.

  • All roads lead to the Torah (The Scriptures) and The Faith in Yahshua Hamachia (Jesus The Christ). This means out of YHWH's word, answers to All of life's problems will be revealed (Prov 4:2). 

  • Our Assembly is a joyful and exciting place that people want to come to not only out of a real relationship & Fellowship with The Father and obedience to his commandments, but also out of a real relationship & Fellowship with each other, 


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