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Spiritual Warfare      Commandment Keepers        Healing the Sick

Casual Dress    Praise & Worship Music   Excellent Bible Teaching

 Hebrews Israelite Congregation

    "We Create, Build, Sustain & Grow A Better World

We would like to welcome you to the "Building Your Faith Worship Center's" website. We desire to see the kingdom of YHWH come and his will established throughout all the earth. Have you been looking for a place where you can grow in YHWH? Have you been looking for a place where you can experience true praise and worship? Have you been looking for a place where you can connect with people that not only love Yahshua but also will love you? Well my friend your search is over.

Our hope is that you will take the time to read our ministry information, comment on our blog, take a peek at the photo gallery and be compelled to come visit. We are a warm and friendly church body that loves The Most High, his commandments, and his people. So enjoy this site and we hope that we will see you soon!

Bishop John & First Lady Joan Tatum 


The Ark Institute School of Ministry

Offers the simple facts as presented in the Bible, supported by other historical evidence and by sound logic and reasoning!

More Information Coming Soon!!!

Start You're Journey Today!


Feature: I Got Some Truth Music C.D. 

When Judah Wakes Up Music Video

Acts Chap 2 Music Video and Walking in the Spirit Teaching

Now Faith is C.D: Sanctuary

Sabbath Message: "What If???"

Sabbath Class Teaching: Old Covenant Explained

Sabbath Class Teaching: New Covenant Explained

Sabbath Message: Overcoming Rejection

Sabbath Class: Dealing With The Leven /Sin In You

Sabbath Message: The Hebrew New Year 5782

Music Book Cd Commercial

Come join us at: (The Ark) Every Friday Night @8pm

Building Your Faith Worship Center Live On Zoom 

Join Our Zoom Live

(630) 269-9638

To all of our partners who would like to support our ministry with a offering here is our link!!!!


We greatly appreciate your generosity and support!!!! Thank you all in advance!!!!

Peace and Love!

In your service 

Bishop John J. Tatum


Recent Videos

Recent Blog Entries

The Soul of Detroit Arts, Music And Entertainment​ Presents

John Tatum "Music Book" 

Cd Drops  November 19th

Pre Order Below $13 Donation

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Gospel Soul House Remix 

“Judah Wake Up”

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eBible Search


Please Pray my soulmate has already been prepared for me and I have already been prepared for my soulmate.Pray GOD unites me and my soulmate together real soon.Never been on a d...

Read more prayer requests...

"I'm Back" Home Music Video

War, Destiny and Freedom 1967 Cd Project

Prayer Request 


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“The Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation.

If I were an atheist, and believed blind eternal fate,

I should still believe that fate had ordained the Yehudims

to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations”.

- John Adams

Create A New World

Create A New World

00:00 / 04:54

Now Faith Is...2015 

Pastor John Tatum

$10 Donation

Itunes, Google Playstore, Cd Baby,

Amazon, Tidal

Torah 2014

Pastor John J. Tatum

$10 Donation

Itunes, Google Playstore, Cd Baby,

Amazon, Tidal

I Got Some Truth 2016

 Pastor John J. Tatum

$10 Donation

Itunes, Google Playstore, Cd Baby,

Amazon, Tidal

Other Musical Works $10 Donation

For whatsoever is born of Yah overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.

1 Yochanan 5:4

 Welcome Everyone to Our Site 

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